Code studio Team

Codestudio is the one-stop platform for preparing yourself for interviews, solving coding problems and mock tests. Throughout its existence, CodeStudio has helped thousands of Ninjas practice interview questions based on certain topics or technical problems which are asked by companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Cognizant, TCS and Infosys. CodeStudio has an entire community behind it and offers a guided path for interested learners as well. The portal offers a state-of-the-art IDE experience that allows you to code or solve problems while having the specific problem with hints, explanations or solutions available right beside the coding environment.


Code editor is a online compiler is a web service that compiles and runs your code on their server in a sandboxed environment. It is simple to use with a working internet connection and web browser. Users can build, run and test code online with online compiler. Users can quickly login from anywhere and start working. Getting into a online compiler is very simple and fast.


Current feedback

There are a total of 6 cases that occurs after a user submit’s a code.

  1. Code Accepted:

Congratulations :) Your solution passed all the test cases :)


  1. Compilation Error :

No Descriptive Feedback

  1. Time Limit Exceeded:

Your submission is taking too long to execute for following test case : Get More Analysis: Common causes of Time Limit Exceeded : a. Infinite Loop b. Too much time taking than allowed constraints



  1. Run Time Error :

    Your submission gives a runtime error for following test case : ON HOVER :

    Common causes of runtime error : a. Division by 0 b. Array index out of bound c. Uncaught exception

  2. Run Time Error :

Your submission gives a memory limit exceeded for following test case : ON HOVER : Common causes of memory limit exceeded : a. leaking memory b. Too much memory allocation



So what exactly is the issue here……??

All the error feedback are mostly single lined and does not really covey the exact issue in the code. Though we have tried to incorporate the detailed issue in the “ ℹ️” icon. But it can only be seen if a user hovers on it.